Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Training for Paediatricians and Paediatric Students

Homepage > Training > Training for Paediatricians and Paediatric Students

This training package is addressed to students and medical practitioners in paediatrics on how to autonomously learn, develop and consolidate their soft skills for improving the quality of paediatric services.

Communicating in a Multicultural Environment

Table of Content

2.4 Openness
Openness means accommodating attitude or opinion, as in receptivity to new ideas, behaviors, cultures, peoples, environments, experiences, etc., different from the familiar, conventional, traditional, or one's own.

It does not only mean accepting people for who they are, but also for their beliefs and decisions.

This soft skill is very essential for a doctor who daily meets new patients with completely different opinions, which might create conflicts in making decisions about the medical procedures.

Openness in particular encourages honest expression of thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It thus aids the doctor-patient-relationship in helping the patient to be honest in expressing fears about treatment options or results and allows the physician to be open to those fears in finding the optimal medical solution to the problem. Openness will allow the physician to explore alternative methods of treatment that might be equally successful in case patients feel apprehensive about suggested or conventional treatments. Openness thus not only serves as a strengthening aid to doctor-patient relationships, but furthermore allows physicians to expand in their knowledge about treatment options and to grow as a professional.

While openness is a soft skill that will help physicians in their day-to-day dealings with patients from multicultural backgrounds, it is important to note that openness does not mean negating one’s own set of values or beliefs. A doctor who is treating a patient with extreme political views for example, does not have to condone those views or take on the patient’s views. Instead, openness would help the doctor to respect the patient’s right to his own views and to focus on finding a solution to the medical problem in a professional manner, rather than judging the patient for his views.
Practical Applications
  • Role Play – OpennessAs any medical intervention vaccinations might have side effects, too. Lacking the appropriate knowledge some adults believe that vaccination is more dangerous than lacking it. Suggested methods: RP, CBL
  • Practical Activity - OpennessThe elder generation tried to be informed from the famous handbook of Benjamin Spock, the younger generation surfs on the internet to learn about sickness and medication. This latter method is not riskless.
Online Resources

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.