Partners' Institution:
Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2016 - 23 February 2018
Activity concerned:
IO1 - Publication on Paediatrics Soft Skills Needs

Objectives of activities carried out:
During the kick-off meeting, 4 kind of questionnaire have been shared and evaluated by Lucia Pagana and partners
a) pediatricians and physicians working with children/residents in pediatrics
b) pediatric patients
c) patients' parents/guardians
d) health care staff
Opinions of 25 respondents/country in each group will be collected through questionnaires and interviews. Results will be analysed referring to their expectations.
The approval by Ethics Committee is very important in order to involve the patients and relatives/parents.
On the basis of the national based analysis, the chapter "Hospital Environment" of the Production will be produced.

Description of activities carried out:
ASLTO3 has:
- shared the Protocol for the Ethics Committee in order to obtain agreement for distribution of the questionnaires to the target group
- obtaining agreement from the Ethics Committee of the Emergency Hospital and informed consent from the participating pediatricians to post their data on the Project Portal
- adapted the existing evaluation scales for conducting research involving the pediatric patients
- adapted the questionnaires to the pediatric patient
- translated the questionnaires in Italian
We distributed the Questionnaires to the envisaged target groups: 
- 41 health care staff
- 30 pediatricians
- 27 parents and relatives
- 27 patients
Since the 8th of June two students from the University of Verona are collaborating with ASL TO3 on the development of the Project.
- Production, on the basis of the national based analysis, of the "Hospital Environment" chapter of the Publication.
- ASL TO3 Softis-Ped inner meeting to present the final version translated in English.

Results Achieved:
Protocol for the Ethics Committee to be adapted by project partners
Final form of the Questionnaires to be administered to the target groups (healthcarers and medical doctors)
Agreement from the Ethics committee to obtain informed consent for publication of personal data on the project portal 
The target groups have been uploaded on the project portal
Collected the questionnaires from 4 target Group
Chapter 4: Hospital Environment (included results from Romania, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Germany (partial)
I.O 1 translation in English