Partners' Institution:
Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón
Name of the person involved in the event:
Emanuele Valenti, Benjamin Herreros
Date of the event:
27 March 2017 - 30 March 2017
Type of Dissemination event:
Training Seminar
Target group:
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
Santa Maria (Brazil)
Description of Dissemination Event:
"Ciclo de palestras CCS/HUSM Bioética clínica e cuidados em final de vida" held at the University Hospital of Santa Maria Brasil. The event has been opened to all health care professionals working in palliative care, such as pediatricians, pediatric emergency, pediatric intensive care units, pediatric nephrology units, pediatric oncology unit. http://w3.ufsm.br/ccs/index.php/noticias/330-ccs-e-husm-realizam-ciclo-de-palestras-sobre-bioetica-clinica-e-cuidados-em-final-de-vida http://coral.ufsm.br/depe/index.php/utilidades/noticias/139-ciclo-de-palestras-ccs-ufsm-bioetica-clinica-e-cuidados-em-final-de-vida
Outcomes and Results:
Research team presented Softis-Ped as a model of educational material to promote pediatrics palliative care and the development of soft skills among health care professional and pediatric.
Graduate and undergraduate medical students, nurses, health care professionals participated to the conferences program for a week.
Supporting Documents: