Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Training of Lecturers

Homepage > Training > Training of Lecturers

This training package is addressed to lecturers and trainers in the field of paediatrics on how to assist paediatric undergraduate and resident students in developing and consolidating their soft skills for improving the quality of paediatric services.

Communicating with Parents

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2.8 Bibliography
Ambady, N. et al., 2002. Surgeons’ tone of voice: A clue to malpractice history. Surgery, pp.5–9. Available at: tone of voice.pdf [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Borrell-Carrió, F., Suchman, A.L. & Epstein, R.M., 2004. The biopsychosocial model 25 years later: principles, practice, and scientific inquiry. Annals of family medicine, 2(6), pp.576–82. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Levetown, M., 2008. Communicating With Children and Families: From Everyday Interactions to Skill in Conveying Distressing Information. Pediatrics, 121(5). Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Mehta, P.N., 2008. Communication Skills – Talking to Parents. INDIAN PEDIATRICS, VOLUME 45, pp.300–304. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Pilling, J., 2008. Orvos-beteg kommunikáció Pilling Jánostól – Első Egészségügyi Marketing. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017]. Roter, D., 2010. MODELS OF DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP, Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017]. Tates, K. et al., 2002. Doctor–parent–child relationships: a “pas de trois.” Patient Education and Counseling, 48(1), pp.5–14. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Tates, K. & Meeuwesen, L., 2001. Doctor–parent–child communication. A (re)view of the literature. Social Science & Medicine, 52(6), pp.839–851. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Tates, K. & Meeuwesen, L., 2000. “Let Mum have her say”: turntaking in doctor–parent–child communication. Patient Education and Counseling, 40(2), pp.151–162. Available at: [Accessed July 31, 2017].

Kathryn N. Huggett, Ph.D. Team-Based Learning (TBL) Available at:

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.